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Revision as of 03:04, 1 August 2006 by Bulbafreak9000 (talk | contribs)
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Bulbafreak9000 is one of the Pie Overlords.

He joined forces with many a powerful leader, such as:

He commisioned the building of the Pie Death Star, and has a spiteful hatred for the Waffles for destroying the Cake World. He is writing a novel about the Pie Wars so far, in somewhat of a code, yet he refuses to show it to anyone. He is a PWNage spriter, specializing in trainer sprites.

Favorite Pokémon

His favorite Pok­émon is Bulbasaur.


Bulbafreak is known for his many abilities, such as:

  • The ability to weild Manta Rays
  • Flight
  • The ability to make wooden shoes for European girls
  • Unlimited access to Piespace, Hammerspace's 3rd cousin twice removed.
  • The ability to get a girlfriend on the internet yet repel girls in his real life
  • PWNage spriting
  • Taekwondo
  • The ability to read minds of people he's the left big toe of

Also Known As

He is also known as:

  • Jimbobh252
  • Iron Bodied Alchemist
  • Banished to Sincerety,
  • Robert Elric
  • Silver Lickitung

Though he is a n00b in the ways of programming, he helps make pages on this site. He is currently unavailable, for he is going out with Iphora, Ruler of the Seas. EDIT:Sorry, he is no longer going out with Iphora. ^^;