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Gammapedia:Gammasphere TCG/Prototype 1

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The Gammasphere TCG is a planned Trading Card Game that revolves around the Gammasphere and the inhabitants of it.

Rules and gameplay

To be determined

Card base


Series One

No. 001 Teh Face

  • [?]
  • Atk: 6
  • Def: 6
  • Spd: 3
  • Hax: 15
  • Ego: 3
  • Description: When Teh Face battles an enemy character, decrease the enemy's HAX by 5.

No. 002 CATS

  • [A.D. 2101] [Metallic]
  • Atk: 7
  • Def: 6
  • Spd: 6
  • Hax: 10
  • Ego: 10
  • Description: A cosmic tyrant from A.D. 2101. He owns all your base. Enemy's DEF drops by 1.

No. 003 Nemesis

  • [Sorcerer]
  • Atk: 10
  • Def: 4
  • Spd: 7
  • Hax: 8
  • Ego: 7
  • Description: A practitioner of 1337 magic. DEF increases by 4 if enemy's EGO is 10 or greater.

No. 004 Kanashi

  • [WeakMinded] [Orenji] [Swordsman] [Weeaboo]
  • Atk: 6
  • Def: 5
  • Spd: 6
  • Hax: 4
  • Ego: 6
  • Description: If "Orange Bread" is attached, boost all stats by 3.

No. 005 AIDS

  • [WeakMinded]
  • Atk: 8
  • Def: 8
  • Spd: 8
  • Hax: 8
  • Ego: 8
  • Description: A deadly epidemic spread by romance. Does not affect [KoM] characters, Nemesis, or CATS.

No. 006 BladeAlchemist

  • [L-Hero] [KoM] [Swordsman] [NormalBread]
  • Atk: 8
  • Def: 6
  • Spd: 7
  • Hax: 7
  • Ego: 8
  • Description: A swordsman who practices alchemy. ATK and HAX +2 if he attacks first.

No. 007 Captain Pie

  • [Pirate]
  • Atk: 7
  • Def: 8
  • Spd: 4
  • Hax: 7
  • Ego: 8
  • Description: The King of Pirates. ATK and DEF +5 is opponent is a Ninja.

No. 008 Q

  • [Vampire]
  • Atk: 8
  • Def: 6
  • Spd: 7
  • Hax: 5
  • Ego: 2
  • Description: The bartender of a cafe on 12 Twelfth Avenue. Stats +2 if opponent is a Werewolf.

No. 009 Myrna the Marauderess

  • [Utoffu]
  • Atk: 11
  • Def: 11
  • Spd: 11
  • Hax: 11
  • Ego: 15
  • Description: Cannot attack the turn she is played. If she attacks, she cannot attack the following turn.

No. 010 Gammaman

  • [L-Hero] [Gamma]
  • Atk: 8
  • Def: 8
  • Spd: 9
  • Hax: 10
  • Ego: 10
  • Description: When he is played, you may not play any more cards. If you have played a card this turn, you cannot play him.

No. 011 Watermeleon

  • [Pokeshine]
  • Atk: 6
  • Def: 5
  • Spd: 6
  • Hax: 4
  • Ego: 15
  • Description: During your turn, if the combined EGOs of the other player's characters are less than that of Watermeleon's, draw a card.

No. 012 Orange Bread

  • [Orenji] [Equip]
  • Atk: +0
  • Def: +2
  • Spd: +0
  • Hax: -3
  • Ego: +5
  • Description: Can only be attached to [Orenji] characters.

No. 013 haiduc

  • [Numa]
  • Atk: 5
  • Def: 4
  • Spd: 6
  • Hax: 12
  • Ego: 3
  • Description: An outlaw who beeps girl's cell phones. If enemy character is female, draw a card.

No. 014 Colonial Man

  • [HA! HA!] [NormalBread]
  • Atk: 7
  • Def: 6
  • Spd: 5
  • Hax: 11
  • Ego: 3
  • Description: A colonial man who uses Forbes insoluble dry plates and Normal Colored Bread.

No. 015 N

  • [YTMND]
  • Atk: 0
  • Def: 5
  • Spd: 0
  • Hax: 0
  • Ego: 0
  • Description: NOT

No. 016 E

  • [YTMND]
  • Atk: 0
  • Def: 0
  • Spd: 0
  • Hax: 5
  • Ego: 0
  • Description: EVEN

No. 017 D

  • [YTMND]
  • Atk: 0
  • Def: 0
  • Spd: 5
  • Hax: 0
  • Ego: 0
  • Description: DOOM

No. 018 M

  • [YTMND]
  • Atk: 5
  • Def: 0
  • Spd: 0
  • Hax: 0
  • Ego: 0
  • Description: MUSIC

No. 019 NEDM: Not Even Doom Music

  • [YTMND]
  • Atk: 15
  • Def: 15
  • Spd: 15
  • Hax: 15
  • Ego: 15
  • Description: Not even doom music. Summoned by discarding "N", "E", "D", and "M" to the Graveyard.

No. 020 Juggernaut

  • [X-Man] [Acid]
  • Atk: 12
  • Def: 15
  • Spd: 8
  • Hax: 10
  • Ego: 15
  • Description: Juggernaut must attack a character each turn. If he does not, kill him.

No. 021 Charles

  • [X-Man]
  • Atk: 8
  • Def: 7
  • Spd: 10
  • Hax: 15
  • Ego: 10
  • Description: Can only be played when Juggernaut is on the other side.

No. 022 Trippin off Acid

  • [Acid] [Equip]
  • Atk: -4
  • Def: -8
  • Spd: -1
  • Hax: -2
  • Ego: -4
  • Description: Can only be played on an [Acid] character.

Series Two

No. 023 Captain Planet

  • [Pirate]
  • Atk: 10
  • Def: 10
  • Spd: 9
  • Hax: 7
  • Ego: 6
  • Description: Revered as one of the strongest Pirates, even perhaps stronger than Pie.

No. 024 Hitler

  • [Nazi]
  • Atk: 5
  • Def: 4
  • Spd: 6
  • Hax: 2
  • Ego: 10
  • Description: Has a moustache, like Abwayax. Unlike Abwayax, he killed lots of people.

No. 025 Pluto

  • [Planet]
  • Atk: 13
  • Def: 14
  • Spd: 6
  • Hax: 15
  • Ego: 9
  • Description: This planet may only be played if your opponent has 4 more characters on field than you do.

No. 026 LOL Internets

  • Atk: 0
  • Def: 0
  • Spd: 0
  • Hax: 0
  • Ego: 0
  • Description: lol, discard your hand and draw 6 more cards

No. 027 Flamin Hot Cheetos

  • [Food] [Equip]
  • Atk: +5
  • Def: +0
  • Spd: +3
  • Hax: +5
  • Ego: +0
  • Description: Sportacus stole the recipe. :(

No. 028 Iphora, Ruler of the Seas

  • Atk: 0
  • Def: 0
  • Spd: 0
  • Hax: 0
  • Ego: 0
  • Description: This card does not exist. You must be trippin off acid or something.

No. 029 N-Gage (Pwn Squad)

  • [N-Force]
  • Atk: 6
  • Def: 4
  • Spd: 8
  • Hax: 3
  • Ego: 10
  • Description: Taco Phone. Blah.

No. 030 Nuke

  • [KoM] [Pwn]
  • Atk: 0
  • Def: 0
  • Spd: 0
  • Hax: 0
  • Ego: 0
  • Description: When played, kill every card on the field.