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A friend of Jacred and Arch Nemesis who wishes complete destruction upon the Pokémorphs, the D-Reaper is a nigh-unstoppable digital entity existing only to destroy anything that goes beyond its boundaries or is just dumb.

Random Junk


D-Reaper was created in 1970, as "the reaper" program created by the American Department of Defence to delete excess data and manage the growth of artificial intelligence. In 1990, the D-Reaper attacked the fledgling Digital World, which had recently become populated by the Digimon. It went on to follow its program by deleting Digimon and absorbing their data and soon underwent a evolution of its own. It buried itself away beneath the Digital World and slumbered as it transformed into a sentient being.

Eventually, the newly created D-Reaper began to stir from the sheer amount of excess data that had been caused by the growth of the Digital World during its period of inactivity. The main part of D-Reaper escaped to the real world through the Hypnos system and immediately began to PWN the city. Through the combined effort of the Digimon Tamers and a bunch of old hacker dudes, the D-Reaper was regressed back into its original, "harmless state". Or so everyone thought. The phubars never eliminated the D-Reaper, and it began it's sentience process all over again.

Present Day

D-Reaper has spread out across the world by use of the Intarweb and installed secret recovery programs in many computers to prevent being pwn'd by old hacker dudes again. It has launched many silent attacks against the Digital World, unlike it's original huge assault, and has weakened it greatly without giving itself away.

The digital entity has also recently joined forces with Jacred to help him in his quest to eliminate Pokémorphs once and for all. He believes that being friends with Master Haxor Jacred will also prevent another humiliating loss. And it will.